Parent & Family Resources

supporting the whole family is part of our mission. Welcome to our Family.


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Menu of Services

Interested in what we do and how we can help? Download our Menu of Services to get a clean, one page list of the scope of our work.

Parent Handbook

The Parent Handbook has been written to describe our program, philosophy, and policies. Our staff would be happy to address any questions or concerns.

School Calendar

Access our 2024-2025 School Calendar to have all date for upcoming events, breaks, and important dates! Other important dates may be posted on our web calendar too!

Conscious discipline

Embraced in 101 countries and 25 languages, Conscious Discipline’s foundation of safety, connection and problem-solving is leading a revolution of the heart as concepts initially applied in the classroom extend to every facet of our lives.

APH Federal Quota Program

The Federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind set up a system to provide free textbooks and other hands-on instructional materials for students who are blind across the U.S. Find out today if you’re eligible for registration!

Social Work Assistance

CCVI now has our very own Clinical Social Worker who provides assistance in the classroom and with families as needed or requested. Whether it’s our Adopt-A-Family program in the winter or family sessions…

Looking for more? Check out our Community Resource Library!