Join the Visionaries

Give monthly to help children reach their highest potential

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Experience the impact:

Long-Term Impact:

Your monthly donation actively provides blind and visually impaired children with life changing services that are scarce across the US. But you also help build a life-long foundation for success at an early age! Your dollars go towards something much bigger and long-term, just ask Kimberly Marrow!

Proudly Local:

Monthly giving supports local needs and benefits families right here in your community! With our convenient and digestible payment plan, you’ll feel good knowing your monthly giving directly benefits our mission and families and allows children in your neighborhood and beyond to access life changing care! 

Real Change:

For as little as $10 your monthly gift goes directly to the mission, supporting real change. Your gift funds therapy sessions, specialized services, equipment, evaluations and helps cover the cost for our staff to travel across the state to meet with families. When you give, you can be sure your dollars are going directly to the cause. 

WHat Your Impact Supports:

A Vision For: Education 

In addition to funding classroom supplies and equipment, your monthly gift also supports the foundational and academic skills and children with visual impairments learn in the classroom. You help ensure that kids don’t fall behind due to their disabilities and help them confidently apply what they learn in the classroom to the sighted world. 

A Vision For: Accessibility

Your monthly gift not only supports the work we do within our building, but also out in our community and across the region! Your support allows us to build meaningful relationships with other organizations and strive towards improved access to resources, equal opportunities and accurate representation. Just take a look at our recent work with the WW1 Museum and Memorial here! 

A Vision For: Empowerment 

With your monthly gift you provide children with the resources and opportunities for soft skill development that are translated into adulthood. Things like independence, self-confidence, self-advocacy skills and curiosity are all cultivated in the classroom and out in the community thanks to your support and opportunities you provide!  

Join the Visionaries