Against All Odds: A Story of Reaching the “Unattainable”

Not even a day old, it was already determined that Matthew’s life would look very different from what was expected. Matthew was born with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and Septo Optic Dysplasia, and what followed his diagnosis was only a list of the unattainable that his doctor claimed would be out of reach.  

Matthew in 2021

We were told his vision would be little to none, that he may never walk or be able to join in on physical activities with his peers, and that life may not be as fulfilling for him as it is a typical child.” says his mother, Caterra. “As parents, we create this idea of what life will be like for our children and it's defeating when things don’t pan out the way we had hoped.”.  

Since that initial diagnosis a little over 3 years ago, his life has looked like many things. Still, one thing was clear, Matthew wasn’t going to settle for that list of the “unattainable”. As he grew during his time at CCVI, he consistently overcame the obstacles that stood in his way and defied the odds against him.   

Matthew started with CCVI 3 years ago and has since made great strides in his physical development to his social/emotional skills. With the help of Orientation & Mobility Specialists, Physical Therapist, and his teachers, Matthew has conquered one goal after another; continuously grabbing what doctors said would be out of reach.  

"He has proved so many people wrong and I'm confident that his brand in life is to make people revisit their initial thoughts about him,” says his mother.  

Overcoming his isolation and adapting to new environments, friends, and routines, and his new willingness to join in on activities, such as Splash Day, is one of his biggest accomplishments from the past year!  

Matthew in 2024

Currently, a big goal Matthew is working towards is walking independently. With the help of his Orientation & Mobility Specialists, Matthew started a new program using a pediatric belt cane. This device helps children like Matthew, who may not be ready to use a cane yet, gain confidence in walking while still getting tactile feedback like you would from a long white cane. He has already made a lot of progress since starting.  

Seeing how far Matthew has come in only 3 years is a testament to CCVI’s belief that nothing is impossible for our students. Especially when you are surrounded and supported by people who won’t settle with that list of the “unattainable”.   

As Matthew begins his transition from CCVI to the Blue Springs School district, he carries with him those foundation skills but also the confidence he has gained over the years of overcoming each obstacle he has faced! 

Connor Uptegrove